Majka ko majka brani svoje dijete. Ali cisto sumnjam da je ovaj delija cist. Crvene zastave bi mogli biti dokazi, a ako mu se dokaze povezanost ne gine mu corka i dozivotno pracenje mu porodice, i svih koji su u bilo kakvoj vezi sa ovim ,,miroljubivim,, covjekom.
Ma kakva corka, razmatraju da mu oduzmu drzavljanstvo Australije ... Harun Causevic and Sevdet Besim, both 18, have been charged with conspiracy to commit acts done in preparation for, or planning, terrorist acts. It is alleged that between February 23 and April 18 Mr Causevic and Mr Besim prepared, or planned, a terrorist act. The young men were associates of Numan Haider, who was shot dead after stabbing two anti-terror police officers in September. Haider had also attended Al-Furqan.
The centre was also visited by Neil Prakash, who travelled to Syria in early 2013, where he has become the most senior Australian member of IS, recruiting young men at home to the group and encouraging them to launch attacks on home soil. A significant proportion of al-Furqan’s members have Bosnian heritage. Several, including leader Harun Mehicevic, are disenfranchised former attend­ees of the Bosnia-Herzegovina Islamic Soc­iety of Noble Park.
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