Homs: destruction of the palaces _ 5 armored forces to Assad to free the hands of the army so far in the palaces still fierce clashes. O army of free Vids -30 \\ 1 \\. Island | Colonel Assad speaks of yesterday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXi7oAHBTXs&feature=youtu.be Video: Inside Story - Who is really controlling Libya? http://feb17.info/media/video-inside-story-who-is-really-controlling-libya/ Syria: A call to arms- This Friday the slogan was: \"We have the right to defend ourselves\". It was a clear message to the world that they are ready to fight this battle, \"with or without your help\", activists told me. http://blogs.aljazeera.net/middle-east/2012/01/28/syria-call-arms?utm_content=blogs&utm_campaign=Trial4&utm_source=twitter&utm_term=socialflow&utm_medium=tweet Air France planira nastavak letova za Libiju . https://www.facebook.com/RebelsHoms?sk=wall
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