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Prijava korisnika
NAPOMENA: Komentarisanje članaka na portalu Klix.ba dozvoljeno je samo registrovanim korisnicima. Molimo korisnike da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i vulgarnog izražavanja. Komentari odražavaju stavove isključivo njihovih autora, koji zbog govora mržnje mogu biti i krivično gonjeni. Kao čitatelj prihvatate mogućnost da među komentarima mogu biti pronađeni sadržaji koji mogu biti u suprotnosti sa vašim vjerskim, moralnim i drugim načelima i uvjerenjima. Svaki korisnik prije pisanja komentara mora se upoznati sa Pravilima i uslovima korištenja komentara.
....presao na stranu opozicije i rekao za BBC..... sve receno....
svašta sam čuo ali da al-kaida i ši\'iti (Bašarova vlast) sarađuju to još nisam, ... što bi rekli: Nedime dragi, šta nam ovo rade
Toliko g.lu.p.o.st.i izrecenih na samo tako malom prostoru, ali najaca je ona da je C I A-ina operativna prodruznica A l K a i d a, na strani Sirije, e to je zaista biser godine! Hahahaha
@ RS ne truni boga ti jer to nije tako,ako iko u ovoj nesretnoj drzavi kritikuje onda su to bosnje, prema tome tisina.
standardno za bosnje bitno je podrzat alkaidu i vehabije
Brave Battalion Liberation Idlib tank explosion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWtBnLuJqDc&list=UUkBp6XoOQzT0EIMo1Gpll9Q&index=10&feature=plcp Aleppo – Izaz -Destruction of the tank by the army battalions free in – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI0crQ4yvbA&list=UUpMwfEZ5oyWW15otP0fQddg&index=4&feature=plcp Diralzor coordinating the destruction of a tank of regular army 29 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVVCa1QjMh4&feature=plcp Diralzor coordinating the destruction of tanks, Port Said Street 28 6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvkF1QKIeEM&feature=plcp Deir Al-Zour coordinating the destruction of a tank at a roundabout Hamoud al 5 7 2012 HD c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vcx8xGCkEwA&feature=channel&list=UL Coordinating the destruction of Deir Al-Zour BMB vehicle at a roundabout Hamoud al-572 012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_AnaLdvPXc&feature=channel&list=UL
T-72 al-Sham are free - mountain battalion in effect the destruction of a tank https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uTXmWBKpQs&feature=relmfu Syrian Free Army fighters capture army base near Aleppo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0aIG0PqWtM&feature=related SYRIAN ARMY OPERATIONS FREE 23.flv https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jNWpZuuMJk&feature=related Defection of a number of officers in the area of Hula Brief Homs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzykEXv0s6E&feature=plcp Hama :: forty :: blow up a tank for the Army band 14-7 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeeowDmmDNo&feature=related Brigades are free Sham - hit the station Abatin in Raqqa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMOAeou0Q88&feature=related Video to blow up a tank army band 14-7 - 2012 Hama forty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHLBkKDL0o&feature=channel&list=UL
16 7 Izzaz Aleppo Aleppo, Ugarit Izaz, the concentration of tanks from the north http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNXkupWpQXs&feature=channel&list=UL Al-Farouq Battalions destroys a barrier and captures two of Assad\'s battalions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0stfTXLk_M&feature=plcp Andan tank ... The Ashaws Andan detonated 2012-7-10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL_a5Dqaaek&feature=channel&list=UL Vehicle BME me after burning - Battalion Unification 11-7-2012.f https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1J-5ZyHRrQ&feature=channel&list=UL Azqah to Mount Krad Qaqaa battalion clashes with the forces of order https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b-2iUCFG9g&feature=plcp Aleppo - Izaz :: Army burn a mechanism for the free Lion Army 15-6 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTJWz8wwyYI&feature=plcp
Chtbakat Sgayn - a joint operation - the banner of monotheism and shield Hanano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gk08uWogDw&feature=plcp The descent of a shell after firing Bakazv RPG battle armor designed the banner of the mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djq9WlpJQ_U&feature=related The destruction of a tank battle armor brigade Mardbsh mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7LuCcKCkew&feature=plcp Khan battle armor brigade ways to blow up a tank of the mountain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nc08usj_bI&feature=plcp Shield of the mountain brigade controls the tank for the army commander, Major General Abu al-Asadi Hassoun https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=r7GQqprh4n4&NR=1 Ncakkak pilot Col. Gen. Mohammed al-Nassan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VliCo0HHiGg&feature=plcp Defection of Brigadier General Staff of Hamza and Sami joining the army of the free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkzzJZJivYE&feature=channel&list=UL
The process of hunting for a great one Hbihh lion clip and clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzSrSjux2Uc&feature=plcp Izaz heroes of the army free blowing up a tank and transport vehicle 16 7 soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD3y5nGb4fg&feature=g-u-u Fighting engulfed several areas of Damascus http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2012/07/20127161652142621.html Urgent Syria: Mountain Battalion are free corner in the village of effort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFp2Dn_fRgY&list=UU-wyaHzqHB6haNbFoS_timA&index=4&feature=plcp Heat of the battles of the army in the city of Sgayn c 2.16 \\ 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4Jb2zhFY0&feature=channel&list=UL Extent of free people with the army in Sgayn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrF-QE7M1b0&feature=channel&list=UL
13/7/2012-Al-Sham are free - the destruction of a tank - Reef Aleppo Izaz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Hob_jCSKKA Statement to go to Damascus, Homs-Farouq Battalion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0478nWb2QLY&feature=context-cha Google map of Damascus neighbourhoods where fighting rages http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4MdK81jbIw&feature=youtu.be Flash | | Idlib vehicle bombing of BMB https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOEkMO-emyA&feature=related Flash Qaha paneling-In a action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0lGaPnFHDA&list=UUYBxER_JH42YN0j2KjP7bWw&index=9&feature=plcp Split a group of row officers from the police - Damascus 16 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_uSLoXBuMs&list=UUhQP0LEcXDJNhdT0Jo84KhA&index=3&feature=plcp
Bromo-Farouq Battalion Homs- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk-uWwji8Vs&feature=plcp 16 7 Anadan Aleppo , Andan, free army seizes on a BMB crew were killed after http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okrT9xuho3U&feature=plcp 16 7 Damascus Damascus neighborhood of Ugarit field spread of armored vehicles and criminal militias, al-Assad in the neighborhood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBin15TR1Os&feature=plcp 14 7-The destruction of a tank of the branch of political security in the city stages-Tank was destroyed, killing 8 soldiers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHS57QrjRxw&feature=plcp Brigades companions destroy armored vehicles and grab the other http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nx7yL-sHWI&feature=channel&list=UL 16 7 Misraba Damascus- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-uDNtSbkso&feature=plcp
Syria - Talbeseh Freedom Fighters Celebrate Capture of Assad Army Checkpoints 7-17-12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_H5AzFEdc20&feature=plcp Syria Battle Footage - Talbeseh Freedom Fighters Take on Dictator Assad Army https://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=zO7C1Dzm5VM Syria Army Officers Defect in Rastan - Most Soldiers Wish to Defect and Join Rebels 7-16-12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AklCF-POAt0&feature=plcp Pulp - Izaz :: Brigades Andan bomb Security Detachment 16-7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPSob-BiXB4&list=UUFO1FNQssFXssfkDu__HuJw&index=5&feature=plcp Aleppo - Izaz: Captain Aburashid commander of the attack on the military security 16-7- the destruction of a tank- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aGBshs-BW0&list=UUFO1FNQssFXssfkDu__HuJw&index=2&feature=plcp Hawwadzlljeic free to Atstrad Aleppo Damascus Khan 17 7 ways https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCtRzc3HuuM&list=UUhQP0LEcXDJNhdT0Jo84KhA&index=2&feature=plcp
A joj, a joj!
Najveca pozicija koja je presla na stranu agresora- jedan ambasador! Zadivljujuci uspjeh, nema sta, bas i poput ovih najnovijih dostignuca o hemijskom naoruzanju! A joj! Hahahah!
Gospodin koji bljuje ove nebuloze za racun svojih novih gospodara, zaboravlja gdje mu je mjesto i bez njih, a to je na dj.u.b.r.i.s.t.u, kao i svakom kvislingu. Inace, Zapad i oruzja za masovno unistenje! Ma dajte molim vas, i kad je crni humor u pitanju, treba imati stila.
U ove gl.u.p.o.s.ti, vise ne vjeruju ni najzaglupljeniji zapadnjaci, jos dolaze od vrlo povjerljivog izvora, covjeka koji je dezerter i cija rijec i on sam vrijedi saku petrodolara, a mozda i manje. Prestanite vise zagadjivati medijski prostor s ovim smecem koje se svakodnevno plasira, a posvetite se ozbiljnom istrazivackom novinarstvu i objektivnim analizama vanjskopolitickih dogadjaja. Za uzor i vama i svim zapadnim novcem potkupljenim medijima iz regije moze posluziti portal Advance.hr koji je jedini medij na juznoslavenskim jezicima vrijedan povjerenja i postovanja. Plasirajuci ovakvo s.m.e.c.e samo sebi stetite, jer ni zadnja b.u.d.a.l.a u to ne vjeruje, a vi time gubite na ionako nikakvom kredibilitetu.