September 17, 2011 uprising - to make it a day of anger in Algeria- Wikileaks: brothers Bouteflika behind the spread of corruption in Algeria, Bouteflika cancer patient documents show U.S. diplomatic published site \"Wikileaks\" through the newspaper the Spanish \"El Pais\" the content of the talks, the various collected between U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, told reporters in Algiers on the failure of the regime in Algeria and the widespread corruption in the country, until he reached the Algerian President\'s brothers, \"Abdel-Aziz Bouteflika,\" in addition to the threat of a split that threatens the leadership of the army ... ZAP - Wikileaks reveals the system service Bouteflika schemes Israel- Zapadna obala napetosti rastu kao židovskih žena doseljenici naučiti kako koristiti oružje Jewish women settlers take up arms
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