ovo da je reko \" i mi mozemo dati 8\" nisam nigdje naso..to je neko izmislio.. u jednom interviju je sinoc izjavio da su mogli zabiti 9 ili 10 s obzirom na prilike, sto znaci da su 80% sansi za go iskoristili... a sto se tice pobjede i zalaganja evo sta murinjo kaze: \"Before the game started, my men asked me if I would allow them to spend the night of 5 January at home with their families if they won 4-0. I jokingly replied we would travel the day of the match if the scored 6. We will travel on the day of the match, not as a sign of disrespect to our opponent (after all, we drew our league match there), but because we feel it is important for Spaniards to spend that time at home.\"
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