Jamal Dakkala a rebel Alzentan tells the story of his capture and death of his friends under torture of mercenaries Gaddafi at the Palace Ben Ghashir- http://www.youtube.com/user/zintan2011#p/u/0/s8q7IECZPag Colonel Abdullah Khazmi - Beni Walid September 2 23:40- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tGrnnbQssc&NR=1 http://www.facebook.com/libyanationalcouncil http://www.facebook.com/LibyanFFs The news agency Press Solidarity Solidarity citing the rebels, was discovered today in the city of Tripoli, a mass grave containing more than 500 bodies were al-Gaddafi has to kill them. And also added that the bodies due to the detainees were arrested during the past months. Freedom fighters in Libya | The Guardian: escape of members of the Gaddafi family of Bani Walid after the lifting of the citizens to inform the rebels. Libya, Hannibal Gadhafi\'s compound, slave quarters for his servants-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mje9seJrz4
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