Sad, kako objasniti balijama da je fakticki nemoguce da djed vodi porijeklo od unuka. Iznad se hvalite 'bosnjackom historijom',..onako bez obraza i stida,..kao da zivimo u vremenu gdje informacija nema niti ih mozes naci. Kako sad baliju recimo ubjediti da je primjera radi Tvrtko Kotromanic(a koga i hrvati svojataju) direktni potomak Nemanjica, tvorca Srbije??!!! A eto kod nas se svasta moze!! Tvrtko Kotromanic ( 1338?- 1391) He was the son of Vladislav Kotromanic and Jelena Šubic, and was descended from the founder of Serbia's Nemanji dynasty. Tvrtko became Ban of Bosnia in 1353 upon the death of his uncle, Ban Stjepan (Stephen) Kotromanic, when Tvrtko was 15 years old. Tvrtko assisted Knez Lazar Hrebeljanovic in neighboring Serbia, in consolidating his control of the Serb territories to the east; in return, Tvrtko was able to expand his own territory to include parts of Hum ( Herzegovina),
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