Opet prave \"naucne\" budale od bosanca, u korist piramidjana. Naime na stranici navedenog inace vrlo uglednog i ozbiljnog casopisa, koji izlazi jednom mjesecno, Paolo Gontereo ima cetiri clanka u kojima se NE NAVODI gornja vijest. Ali se u jednom od njegovih clanaka navodi sljedece: \"The term \'lengthening phalloplasty\' summarizes a small group of surgical procedures aimed at elongating the shaft, mainly in the flaccid state. The most common techniques to lengthen the penis (that combines the sectioning of the penile suspensory ligament, infrapubic liposuction and a V-Y or Z plasty of the suprapubic skin) provide only rudimentary results and a high rate of dissatisfaction in the patients. However, the pericavernosal apposition of autografts is widely used to enlarge penile girth and it is not unusual for the urologist to see disastrous results from this type of surgery. \" naziv clanka: Idiopathic short penis; myth or reality ? Dakle opet nauka tipa: mud.a pod bubrege...
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