Jedno govno fašističko manje na ovom svijetu !!!
Njen nekadašnji partijski kolega, inače fanatični komunista Sir Alfred Sherman bio je tokom srpske agresije glavni politički savjetnik Karadžića i Mladića, cijeli rat proveo na Palama - hajd mi to objasni kretenčino balava?
Evo moronu čitaj ako znaš engleski: In 1992, writing in London's Jewish Chronicle, Sherman warned against "the lapse of logic" in confusing the Bosnian Muslims with the European Jewry under Hitler. "It does us no good to claim a locus standi in every conflict be equating it with the Holocaust", he wrote, "or when third parties in their own interests take the name of our martyrs in vain; Bosnia is not occupied Europe; the Muslims are not the Jews; the Serbs did not begin the civil war, but are predictably responding to a real threat.... Since 1990, the independent Croatian leadership—with its extreme chauvinist and clericalist colouring—and the Bosnian Muslim leadership—seeking, in its Islamic fundamentalist programme, to put the clock back to Ottoman days—have threatened to turn the Serbs back into persecuted minorities"
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