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NAPOMENA: Komentarisanje članaka na portalu Klix.ba dozvoljeno je samo registrovanim korisnicima. Molimo korisnike da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i vulgarnog izražavanja. Komentari odražavaju stavove isključivo njihovih autora, koji zbog govora mržnje mogu biti i krivično gonjeni. Kao čitatelj prihvatate mogućnost da među komentarima mogu biti pronađeni sadržaji koji mogu biti u suprotnosti sa vašim vjerskim, moralnim i drugim načelima i uvjerenjima. Svaki korisnik prije pisanja komentara mora se upoznati sa Pravilima i uslovima korištenja komentara.
Yemen: the shooting on the progress of the youth revolution in Taiz-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPb8rg7rBCM&feature=feedu ‫ Scenes from the devastation of the city of Znzibar exclusive network News Yemen- http://www.youtube.com/user/AdenNews2011#p/u A.naseed-M.eshary R.ASHID- Dedication to all the rebels Arab and M.uslim world- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBCbMbgn45Q Dictator, a documentary film produced by A.l-Jazeera http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6J0lXAZmGuw&feature=related H.alle M. ti- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoBKH57yGj8&feature=related A.bu S.lim: Madniet \'bodies killed by the Phalange and the mercenaries- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn9K1m_NIcc http://www.facebook.com/17022011libya Reuters23/8:celebrate in Gaddafi\'s compound-http://www.youtube.com/user/NaSsErLiBYAn#p/u Martyrs B.attalion A.lzentan repel the mercenary attack on the airport 25/8/2011 http://www.youtube.com/user/NaSsErLiBYAn#p/u/6/DID1XO-ztDM
Foto-A.isin House-http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=258038214217384&set=a.194753787212494.44895.188788917808981&type=1&theater Caudh found with the mercenaries Balseahih-Magic & Caudh found in the possession of some of the mercenaries Balseahih Tripoli http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwQY0kkI1QQ&feature=player_embedded Zoom in mosques and the rebels control in the southern A.bu S.lim- http://www.youtube.com/user/17022011libya Friday Market and the rebels storm the base Aeitikh- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6X9YCOGhEgk Gaddafi\'s golf cart 23.8.2011- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTVKH9G4tJs&NR=1 http://www.facebook.com/tawasul.na U.S. State Department: Libya\'s inventory of uranium and mustard gas have been secured Feb17 Arab envoy: about 10% of Tripoli under the control of Gaddafi. http://www.facebook.com/ashab.friends
British Prime Minister David Cameron has given the green light to 22nd SASregiment, the elite units of the British army, to join the hunt for Gaddafi. National Movement for the Liberation of Tripoli The rebels controlled the entire district of A.bu S.alim, and the families of many of the mercenaries. National Movement for the Liberation of Tripoli The rebels in control of the Tripoli International Airport complete control. Tripoli: Watch live- Watch the live broadcast from Tripoli where occasional fighting between rebels and Gaddafi loyalists flares up. http://rt.com/on-air/libya-tripoli-rebels-green-square/ Receive rebels Friday Market for the brave brethren rebels February 17 and the number of them A.ldbaúh- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysXGL4KmcOg beam Media Center B. alzntan wander into a hotel Krontia- http://www.youtube.com/user/17febb#p/u/3/-xdcj-zlsv8
najlepsi je na svetu mooooooj rodni kraaaj :D ONDA IDE NAJDRAZA PJESMA GATAFIJU! necu leka ni lekare zovite mi neymara(da igra za libisku reprezenaciju) sazidajte most bez kraja , most do moga zavicaja!
znam ja, samo u Komunizmu nema anarhije :D ma sve ja znam, naucio na livadi pored supe :D
juce je javljeno da su dvije zgrade opkoljenje i da je tu pukovnik evo prosla su 24 sata javite nam da li su pobunjenici usli u te 2 zgrade ili trebaju pomoc nato pakta
cuj bombardovanje natoa ima zadatak da utre put pobunjenicima,pa zar oni ne bacaju samo one bombe koje stite civile hahahahahaha
pa nije gadafi lesi da se vrati tamo gdje bi ga trazili ;) al eto imaju dobar izgovor za isprobavanje novih bombi
Zivila Demokratija! Zivio Slobodni Libijski Narod! Zivile sve oslobodjene i naoruzane ubice i silidzije! Zivila sloboda kradje. Zivila samovolja naroda. Zivilo bezvlasce i totalna anarhija.
gadafijeve komunjare bombarduju sami sebe
u punom pogonu