Syria-28. 09. Baniyas Baniyas Shahid Ahmed Abdo and the theft of its members- Syria-Colonel Riyadh Al-Assad an extensive operation in all parts of Syria- SYRIA. In Syria, shoot nuclear scientists chemists and specialists Published: September 28, 2011 In the Syrian city of Homs killed nuclear scientist Abdul Karim Khalil, reports of inter-Arab television channel Al Arabiya, with reference to local human rights defenders. On Tuesday, in the same city, were killed rector of the architectural faculty of the University \"Al-Baath\" Muhammad Ali Aqil and the director of military schools petrochemical Na\'el Dahel. According to some reports they are all killed by sniper shots. The Western media reported that local human rights activists have accused allegedly Alawite regime in the killings, but Alawites denied any involvement in executions of scientists.
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