Ok, you and I normally are able to ccatuniomme in a normal fashion, DMZ, but we seem to be on very different wavelengths right now.I am *NOT* trying to argue that we are not drastically, dangerously under-policed. I am trying to figure out why you seem to think Najera doesn't agree with that, when he's gone on the record saying he does.Of those cities with twice the police force, who is to say that they don't also have twice as many non-patrol officers as well? The department still needs detectives, a cyber-crimes division, and those are just two non-patrol positions I, unfamiliar with the employment make up of city law enforcement, can come up with. I am certain there are many more.Do we blame Najera for not taking officers out of those positions and putting them on the street, or do we blame the city for not giving Najera number of officers he asks for? I blame the city, where you seem to blame the Police Chief. I am earnestly trying to understand why.
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