"Konačni udarac" snaga nove vlade
Pada Gadafijev rodni grad Sirt, zauzeti glavni objekti
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oeH0pO9p-M&feature=mfu_channel&list=UL The ousted dictator fleeing from Hall and Aquadoqgua and Ibn Sina Hospital stationed in the neighborhood of the dollar and 700 residential units (with the knowledge that 700 housing units have been combing yesterday), and Thoarna Iedkounam full force until the moment of writing these words. - morgue Hospital Ibn Sina Teaching full Paljtt , some of the names and some do not, as they found littered with refrigerator dedicated to save the meat, and some corpses were left in patient rooms, some have disease degradation, and the humanitarian situation in general in the hospital deteriorated beyond the border. - foreign medics have been facilitated his release from hospital, greeted the ousted tyrant prevent them from going out, and the hospital suffering from a severe shortage of medical staff, especially specialty newborns.
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