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Bill Gates se pridružio Instagramu iz Tanzanije
Foto: EPA
Foto: EPA
Instagram je dobio novog "followera": suosnivača Microsofta Billa Gatesa. Najbogatija osoba na svijetu pridružila se toj društvenoj mreži u subotu.

Gates je na Instagramu u subotu podijelio fotografiju iz istočnog dijele afričkog kontinenta, tačnije iz Tanzanije, pod korisničkim imenom "thisisbillgates".

Hello from Tanzania, Instagram! I just had a great lunch with some amazing kids at Kicheba Primary School in Muheza and met Upendo Mwingira, a remarkable physician who has dedicated her career to fighting neglected tropical diseases. Melinda and I have been coming to Tanzania for many years now. I always love seeing how much progress the country has made to improve health and provide opportunity. Plus, the scenery is stunning. Whenever I travel to places like this, I wish others could come along and meet the people I get to meet. I have no doubt it would leave them as optimistic as I am about progress happening around the world. I’ll be sharing photos from my adventures here on Instagram, and I hope you’ll follow along.

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Bill Gates se nije mogao registrovati pod korisničkim imenom "bill gates" jer je ono već ranije postojalo. U sklopu njegovog prvog posta objavljene su tri fotografije iz Tanzanije.

Gates se na ovaj korak odlučio samo tri sedmice nakon što je drugi milijarder napravio svoj profil na Instagramu - osnivač i direktor Amazona Jeff Bezos.