Nerealni standardi

Fitness blogerka svojim fotografijama otkriva šta se krije iza "savršenih" fotografija na Instagramu
(Foto: Instagram)
Britanska fitness blogerka Chessie King pobunila se protiv idealizirane estetike koja je prisutna na društvenim mrežama danas te odlučila objasniti šta ljudi rade da bi na fotografijama izgledali mršavo i preplanulo.

Ova 24-godišnja djevojka napravila je seriju fotografija koje postavlja na Instagram pokazujući kako je lako zavarati pratioce na društvenim mrežama da misle da izgledate drugačije i mršavije.

"I want to look good for summer" "I want my bikini body back" SURE... but whyyyyy don't you want to look good for winter too? For Father Christmas? 🎅🏼❄️ How about FEELING good for life? FEELING like a superwoman the whole year round? Yes '8 week transformations' are amazing to get you going & if you're learning from them AMAZING... but if you just stop there after the 8 weeks, your body isn't going to stay like that forever AND you may have changed your body but not your mindset. I can change my body in 2 seconds, from the left photo to the right & in both, I feel good. I know I train consistently, I know I fuel myself well, I know it's okay to let my belly out when I'm sitting down next to the pool. SO... long term/life plan: • Educate yourself, that doesn't mean doing a personal training course, that means learning about yourself, how to train & how to eat. • Do your own research, your own body is your best friend, explore it • Find a class you love & look forward to, find a PT that works you hard but looks after you, find a friend that gives you that little boost of motivation when you need it... find things that work for YOU! So tonight, do one thing for me & let your belly release, embrace it, give it a little jiggle 💛

A post shared by C H E S S I E K I N G (@chessiekingg) on

Ispričala je kako je ranije uređivala fotografije kako bi njene noge izgledale mršavije, a grudi veće. Aplikacije za manipulaciju fotografijama kao što su Facetune i Make Me Thin omogućuju korisnicima potpunu promjenu izgleda.

Expectation VS Reality 🙌🏼 I'm not a huge fan of these comparison photos but I think this is a really important message to share. I could have just posted the photo on the left, where my cellulite is edited out, and you would have thought that my body looked like that. Reality check. It doesn't. I'm the same as you. I have cellulite. I'm covered in the stuff (thanks for the genes mum!). Oh and not forgetting my abundance of stretch marks. I've got it all 💁🏼 But you know what? I genuinely do not care. I don't even think about it! Let alone worry about it. Why? Because it's natural. It's part of being a woman. Most of us have it, and we have been conditioned to be ashamed of it. Who said it's a bad thing?! Who dictated that fact? No one. It's something we have learnt. A lie we tell ourselves. And I refuse to believe it. Instead I embrace my body with all it's so called "flaws" because it's mine. It is my vehicle through life and I love it for all it does for me. Having cellulite does not define me, it is part of me and for that I am grateful 💗 #realitycheck #girlgains #strongsquad #strongzvd #cellulite #stretchmarks #photoshop P.s. Before I get hate. 1) I do not edit my photos like this. I did it for the sake of the post. 2) I am very aware that my legs don't always look like this. It's a result of the lighting and my stride, but it's me nonetheless 👌🏼

A post shared by Zanna van Dijk (@zannavandijk) on

Dijeljenjem ovih fotografija i komparirajući ih Chessie se nada da će podići samopouzdanje osobama koje prate njen blog i ohrabriti ih da zavole svoje tijelo, umjesto da se trude držati korak s nerealnim standardima koje viđamo na društvenim mrežama.