Nastavlja Ajatollah Hamenei What is more painful is that U.S. and NATO, ruthlessly, paved the way for the massacre of Bosnian Muslims: they persuaded the U.N. and its Secretary General into accepting the same policy, which gave consent for the eradication of Bosnian Muslims by Serbs. A few weeks later, after much atrocity, in which a barbaric attack took the lives of thousands of innocent Muslims, young and old, women and children, leaving the people of Goražde with major grief
And they called it a humanitarian move by declaring impartiality! Can an executioner, who stops torturing someone only after hours and days, claim he is humane because he didn’t continue the torture?, drugim rjecima Ajatolah Khamenei nam govori da su Zapadnjaci namjerno pustili nama da se desava sta se desavalo a kao fol na kraju intevenisali 7 dana na kraju rata nakon sto je narod vec bio pobijen, licemjerstvo koje se nepamti
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