Sirijci zimu provode u šatorima
Irak: Glad i bolesti u izbjegličkom kampu Dohuk
Soldiers k.i.l.l.e.d a lion, who was trying to infiltrate 12/30 15 1 Ar Raqqa tenderness, split Colonel class airport‎ 5 1 Aleppo , trapping Meng military airport from all sides c 2 15 1 Aleppo , free army tanks shelling Meng Military Airport Violent clashes between the army and free al-Assad brute near the Almedmah checkpoint separating Darya withstand and Almedmah parents were killed by the grace of God Almighty and the steadfastness of our fighters tens Shabiha was entering tanks to pull bodies In conjunction with the bombing of the missiles land - the land of Mezze military airport on the city Darya and the targeting of "Freedom Square".
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