Komentari (28)
Povratak na članak
Prijava korisnika
NAPOMENA: Komentarisanje članaka na portalu Klix.ba dozvoljeno je samo registrovanim korisnicima. Molimo korisnike da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i vulgarnog izražavanja. Komentari odražavaju stavove isključivo njihovih autora, koji zbog govora mržnje mogu biti i krivično gonjeni. Kao čitatelj prihvatate mogućnost da među komentarima mogu biti pronađeni sadržaji koji mogu biti u suprotnosti sa vašim vjerskim, moralnim i drugim načelima i uvjerenjima. Svaki korisnik prije pisanja komentara mora se upoznati sa Pravilima i uslovima korištenja komentara.
Interesantno, kako zapad sada podržava ove demonstrante, koji su većinom neonacisti i skinhedsi, a takođe i navijači fudbalskih klubova, a kada takvi izađu na njihove ulice onda su sva sredstva dozvoljena.Žao mi je zavedenih i poginulih protestanata, jer ginu za promašene ideale.
Vlada podmicena od Rusije,narod zeli bolje ali izgleda bez sansi ovaj put.......
Aj ti vehabijo u Siriju,nije Evropa za tebe ocigledno...
Eto novog genocida i zločina jer je to kazna za sve ono što svijet nije uradio i,spriječio i kaznio zločince u Bosni. Biće velikog belaja.
Eto sad u evropi jedne sirije. Ocekujemo uskoro posiljke oruzja u ukrajinu. Hehehe nek se kolju krivoslavci
nacista, glup si, a to se sigurno reflektira u tvom opstem uspijehu u zivotu. Zivjeli svi Jevreji i Bosanci, a ti idi lijeci se.
''The goverment, and particulary Segei Lavrov, have stated clearly that a break up of Ukraine is not wanted, and Russia has not once even slightly suggested any territorial interest in Ukraine. I could write a wall of text about this, but it isn't needed for what happens in Kiev speaks for itself. However, a few questions that people should ask is, why all this violence, why these demonstrations since last year about Viktor Yanukovich postponing signing an agreement with the EU. That's right, a postponent, not an outright rejection. Yet it is made out to be, by western media and politicians, a rejection of an invite to join the EU as voted for by a majority of Ukranians. This is complete fantasy, total lies. Why, when looking at the reality, should anybody be so upset about this postponent as to demonstrate, and now riot, for week after week?. Why is it reported in western media that it is okay for western politicians to go to Ukraine and call for government to be...
overturned? Should Sergei Lavrov go to Washington and call for the same in America? what would happen if he did? how would it be reported I wonder.... Would any country allow this level of disruption in it's capital to continue for so long? I doubt it. Would riots this serious be allowed to happen in any American city without National Guard beeing sent to restore order, by force? Two nights ago about 100 police officers were injured by the rioters, and not one live round was fired back at them. Would this level of injury against the police be accepted by any EU country or US? Yet politicains from those countries still call for what is essentially revolution in Ukraine. Is there any reason now for Ukraine not to declare war on those countries? would America allow such riots to be supported by a foreign power and do nothing? If reptiles like McCain and Haig continue to call for the overthrow of democratically elected government in a major European country, then they should be arrested and imprissoned for life. Do these intellectual and moral pygmies want WWIII?, because what they vomit suggests that they do. Who benefits from these riots? the ordinary people of Ukraine do not. Russia is not about to invade Ukraine, but if this odd mix of EU, US and local fascist terrorists cause a civil war, then what happens? then who is to blame for what happens?''
Ja sam dao dva predloga ukrajinskoj vladi! prvi je bio da izvedu tenkove na ulice,a drugi da batale gumu i pocnu koristiti bojevu municiju! Ovaj drugi predlog su usvojili a osjecam da ce uskoro i ovaj prvi! Niko srecniji od mene!
Odakle ti ideja da su katolici (ovi sto pale i lome) moja braca po vjeri! Pa ja njih mrzim vise nego muslimane!
Petre, ti prije podne mrziš sam sebe a poslije podne i sve oko sebe :)