July 22, 2004 The Writing Flight Deck One of the contributors to a recent rather long comment thread asked me if the Whatever, and keeping track of the subsequent comment threads, is taking away from my book writing. Well, no. Playing Unreal Tournament 2004 instead of writing is taking away from my book writing. The Whatever doesn't take time away because any time it threatens to, I just stop writing it. It's that whole "if you miss a deadline you don't get paid" thing. Others have asked me how the paid writing is going. Short answer: Good, but hectic. The Book of the Dumb 2 has come to crunch time, as I've noted before; I need to have the full manuscript in on 8/2, not just for their deadline but also for my own, as that's the date I start working on The Rough Guide to Science Fiction Film. The writing process on BotD 2 has up to this point been pretty free-form -- I've basically written about whatever amusing examples of stupidity I'm found particularly fun, but now things get a little more precise: My editor on BotD 2 has taken all the material I've written so far, chopped it up into chapters and let me know where I need to fill in gaps. For example, I've already done quite enough pieces on people doing stupid things under the influence of drugs, but I need to do at least five more bits on people in the sports world doing stupid things. All told, between now and 8/2 I need to write roughly 70 additional pieces and/or 30,000 additional words. It sounds like a lot because it is. The good news here is that the format of the book makes writing this stuff very easy; it's not like, say, having to write 30,000 words in a novel off the top of your head in two weeks. I'll be busy (which is why you may not see much of me around here in the next couple of weeks), but it's doable. After BotD 2 is turned in on 8/2 I turn immediately to the RGtSFF, which is on a fairly tight schedule: I need to have a chapter in to the editors within a couple of weeks and the whole manuscript needs to be in by the end of November. The good news here, of course, is that most of the "research" has already been done because I'm a big fat science fiction geek, and also a film/DVD critic. Be that as it may, I got myself a Netflix subscription (it's tax deductible!), and expect to be doing a whole lot of "research" in front of my TV in the next few months. Whee! As I'm writing RGtSSF, I will also be "gestating" the sequel to Old Man's War, which as I think I've noted is tentatively titled The Ghost Brigades. By "gestate" I mean "thinking about it" -- basically where other writers outline I do a whole lot of pondering while standing motionless in the shower (oh, stop it, you juveniles). Ideally, I'd like to start writing Ghost Brigades at the beginning of the new year, although it's possible (depending on the state of my gestating and other factors which I can hint at -- hint, hint -- but say nothing about) I might start it a little bit later. Regardless, it's on my slate for early 2005. What else is on the writing slate? Well, it's likely I may contribute to some more Uncle John books, and then I have my writing gigs with Official PlayStation Magazine and the Dayton Daily News. My AOL contract is up for renewal soon, although nothing's been solidified there, so we'll have to see what happens one way or another (it's always been meant as a short-term gig, so if they renew I count myself lucky -- I have fun with it). I owe each of my agents book proposals for projects that we can hopefully slot in for the second half of 2005; for my non-fiction agent I figure I will finally give him that proposal for a book on writing (which I've been threatening to do for a couple of years now), and on the fiction front we'll have a slate of SF ideas but also a couple of non-SF ideas as well. We'll see if anyone nibbles. So, in short, that's the stuff I know I'll be up to for, oh, the next year. Note that this doesn't count all the stuff I don't have set in the schedule but would like to do -- more magazine and newspaper articles, for example, and also maybe a few science fiction short stories and things like that. And, of course, it doesn't mention the Whatever at all. Don't worry. I'll be here. Provided I don't waste all my time on Unreal Tournament 2004. Posted by john at 05:02 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0) July 20, 2004 I, Hollywood Over on his journal, science fiction writer Bill Shunn has got himself worked up on principle over the I, Robot movie, which is based on the Issac Asimov book of the same name roughly in the way a store-brand grape soda is based on an actual grape. Shunn is personally boycotting the film and thinks you should too, although with I, Robot pulling down a $52 million opening weekend, his boycott will have to play as a moral victory rather than an economic one. I respect Shunn's position (and like him as a writer, which is always nice too), but am not the principled purist he is. I went and saw the film on Friday, and I had quite a bit of fun with it; it was put together well (which means it moved quickly enough not to let one dwell on plot holes), it looked great, and it had just enough pathos in the form of the self-aware robot to be a bit smarter than the average loud summer film. In terms of Will Smith summer SF films, it was not as good as Men in Black, but better than MIB II, Independence Day and (shudder) Wild Wild West. Among director Alex Proyas' work, it's the least distinguished that I've seen (I haven't seen his Garage Days), but given the film is a hit, he's now got a chance to make more quirky films to re-establish his cred with the goth geeks. Overall, I give the film a "B-." However, as a longtime professional observer of the film industry, I also went into the theater unburdened the illusion that the film would have anything at all to do with Issac Asimov's robot stories. This is a Hollywood motion picture, after all; nothing is sacred, least of all original texts, and least of all this particular case, since to my understanding the project initially started as an unrelated science fiction story about robots, onto which the I, Robot brand name was grafted as the rights to the property became available. In other words, this was a vaguely cynical exercise on the part of the filmmakers, at least as regards Asimov's work. And, of course, this is SOP for Hollywood. Allow me to put on my pontificating hat here and tell you an obvious truth: Hollywood doesn't care about source material. When a major movie studio buys a novel (or in this case, a collection of stories) to adapt into a film, it stops being material of a fixed nature; it becomes suddenly fluid, and you'll find vast chunks of the book sliding out, getting rearranged or simply being ignored for the expediencies of the filmmakers and the studio. Let me make it even more clear: It is a rare book that makes it through the film adaptation process without great violence being done to it. And this is not always a bad thing. I think some of the most successful literary-to-film transfers have been ones in which Hollywood does what Hollywood does -- substantially guts and reworks the source material to adapt it to the needs of the filmmakers. The obvious example here is Blade Runner, which is of course a mightily reworked version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick. It's entirely possible a filmed version that is more faithful to the original novel could have been made; on the other hand, Blade Runner is excellent. It's a fair trade. (This is not to suggest I, Robot, the film, is on par with Blade Runner. It's not; as divergent as Blade Runner is from Electric Sheep, it shares the book's primary narrative themes, whereas mostly what I, Robot shares with Asimov's work is robots, and the use of the Three Laws of Robotics as a plot device. But it is to say that in theory, and sometimes in practice, Hollywood's habit of gutting source material and reworking it is not inherently bad.) Conversely, movies which follow their books to a greater or lesser degree (changing chunks here and there but still showing the recognizable plot lines of their literary progenitors) are not necessarily doing the books any favors: Hollywood appropriation of literary SF in this way often ends pretty badly, and the video stores are littered with the wreckage to prove it: Dune. The Puppet Masters. Starship Troopers, which I must confess I enjoy personally but which I know Heinlein fans throw their hands up in horror over (Poor Heinlein has yet to have a good film made from his work). And let's not forget Bicentennial Man, as long as we're on the subject of Asimov. There are books which do make the transfer substantially unmolested -- I think the adaptation of Carl Sagan's Contact is a good example -- but they are rarer than not. I readily grant that it's very likely a movie version that was more faithful to Asimov's ideas could have been made (Shunn directs folks to an unproduced screenplay, written by Harlan Ellison and Asimov himself), and possibly should be made. But it wasn't and hasn't, for whatever reasons. C'est la Hollywood. I'm not necessarily going to take it out on this version because of it, especially if this version has the imprimatur of the Asimov estate. And in any event, I, Robot the book remains in its unmolested state, and as of this writing is #40 on the Amazon.com sales list, a height I doubt it, now over a half-century old, would have achieved without Hollywood's unsubtle violations. If a new generation of readers use this movie as an entry point to access Asimov the writer and other science fiction writers, well, speaking as a science fiction writer, I can live with that. Posted by john at 01:11 AM | Comments (55) | TrackBack (0) July 16, 2004 Whoops Note to self: From this point forward, remember that it's the 1/4" attachment you use on your hair clippers, not the 1/8" attachment. Alas, by the time I realized I was using the wrong attachment I had already buzzed off a big fat swatch of hair; there was nothing to do but finish it up. I don't think it looks bad, it's just, you know, really really short. On the more procedural tip: I'm coming down to the last two weeks before the deadline for Book of the Dumb 2, so it's reasonably likely that through the end of July I'll be here every couple of days (or every three days, or whatever) instead of every day. I know that I always say crap like that and then I update, like, seven times in a 24-hour-period, but you know. This is me covering my ass just in case I actually do stay away for several days at a stretch. Daily updates at By The Way will of course continue, although non-AOL Journalers who visit should be aware that a fair number of the entries there will concern the upcoming one anniversary of the existence of AOL-J; the members there have taken it upon themselves to whomp up a bunch of celebratory activities, and as the official watering hole, I'm keeping up with all the events (and lending a hand from time to time). I think it's very cool, actually. We hoped AOL members would develop a community, and boy, did they ever. Rock on, AOL-J peeps. Fly your flag! Anyway, these anniversary celebration entries may be of limited interest to you folks who are not AOL Journal members, although of course I encourage you to join in on the fun anyway. Just tell them you're with me, and don't wreck the joint. I will also be writing about stuff other than AOL-J's anniversary, mind you, so By The Way will still be worth the visit. Anyway, to recap: Hair very short, possible sporadic Whateveration through 7/31, AOL-J anniversary stuff on BTW. Now you're entirely up on my life at this moment in time. Aren't you thrilled. Posted by john at 07:44 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0) In Defense of Marriage E-mail from various people asking me what I think about the anti-gay marriage amendment being batted back in the Senate: Well, obviously, I'm very pleased about it. Any day a bunch of politically opportunist homophobes get stuffed back into their holes -- and on a procedural note, meaning they didn't even get the showboating vote they wanted for their base -- is a good day indeed. My understanding is that now they'll try to get the amendment passed in the House, although from a practical point of view I'm not entirely sure what the point of that is, since if the Senate's already killed it, it doesn't matter what the House does with it. This is more of a "stand and be counted" thing. Which is fine with me; I prefer to have my intolerant twits well-marked, and a House vote will certainly do that. And of course, I hear tell that the Senate will take up the amendment again, one day, in the future, presumably when the US voters elect 67 senators who hate those girly men and butchy gals enough to permanently relegate them to second-class status and/or think so little of the US Constitution that they're ready to amend it to take away people's rights. Let's just say I'm not exactly staying up nights with worry. Be that as it may, I will tell you the one thing that really gets me about the homophobes pushing the anti-gay marriage amendment and other such nonsense: They act as if there isn't already same-sex marriage in the US. Well, there is: To date, thousands of men and women have legally married members of the same sex, and every day more same-sex couples are added to that number. Theoretically, anyone in the US could marry someone of the same sex, so long as they were willing to take up residence in Massachusetts. Heck, you don't even have to be gay to marry someone of the same sex, which I think is a suitable slap-in-the-face point of fact for all those dim-bulb morality hair-splitters who proffered the absolutely insipid "Gays and lesbians can get married, just to people of the opposite sex" argument. Call me a stickler for details here, but so far I've heard nothing about what happens to all the thousands of legally married same-sex couples out there, should an anti-gay marriage amendment pick up steam and be in real danger of being added to the Constitution. Are these people's marriages voided, and expunged from the records? Or are the current marriages allowed to exist, and grandfathered in? Either way, it looks horrible for the people trying to pass the such an amendment. In the former case, you're asking people to willingly destroy other people's perfectly legal marriages, and in the latter case you are creating an obvious contradiction, in that if same-sex marriage is such a terrible threat and clear and present danger to the state of matrimony, how can any be allowed to exist? One exposes those who vote for the amendment as cruel; the other exposes them as hypocrites. And this is why it's utterly essential for people who support an anti-gay marriage amendment to pretend same-sex marriage hasn't happened -- that it's still something that can be discussed on theoretical grounds. Because as soon as you start making it clear to people that what you're asking them to do is tear apart marriages that already exist -- thousands of marriages -- I expect you're going to hit a huge wall of resistance. And why? Oh, well, here's the irony: Because people respect marriage. They respect the commitment it represents. They respect what wanting to be married says about the people in the couple. And, not at all trivially, they understand that when you say a legally married couple can be ripped apart by an act of government, then any legally married couple can be. At this point in time, there is no legal difference between saying that a same-sex couple can't be married, and that couples where the individuals are of differing races can't be married. None. Or individuals of differing religions, or of any other differentiating bit of trivia one would care to name. So it's pretty simple: If you actually want to defend marriage, you have defend all the legal marriages, and that includes the ones with two men in them, and the ones with two women. Otherwise you're explicitly saying that the government has the right to void any marriage of any couple, so long as two-thirds of the House, Senate and states go along. Who wants to be the first to sign up for that? I can understand why the anti-gay marriage crowd doesn't want to bring up the fact that same-sex marriages already legally exist, but I am frankly flummoxed as to why people who support same-sex marriage never seem to make much of the fact. Damn it, people, you're playing the homophobes' game, and you really need to stop it. Every time some bigoted twit gets up and vomits out the talking point about "activist judges" and the sanctity of marriage, someone needs to get up and ask him if he's really saying he's ready to break up those thousands of same-sex marriages that already exist, and if so, how that makes him any better than those "activist judges." Legally-married same-sex couples should be walking the halls of the House offices, asking those lawmakers itchin' to make a little political hay at the expense of the homos why they're in such a rush to break up a marriage. Every time someone says, as President Bush did, that "What they do in the privacy of their house, consenting adults should be able to do," we should ask what marriage has ever only been about what people do in the privacy of their own home. Every airy utterance about the value of marriage from these people should be answered with the grounded reality of a same-sex married couple affirming the value of their marriage. These marriages aren't theoretical. They're not open to debate. They exist. To be opposed to them is to be opposed to marriage. I don't know why people opposed to the anti-gay marriage amendment and other such nonsense aren't doing more to point out that very obvious fact. Fact is, there is no such thing as "same-sex marriage." There's just "marriage," in which any one adult can marry any other adult. Thousands of people are married to another person of the same sex, and their marriages are as legal as mine. More get married every day. You can like them, you can not like them. But they exist, they're legal, and to that extent they're no different than my own -- and deserving of the same respect as my own. If you're married, they're no different than yours -- and deserving of the same respect. I'm not inclined to break up a marriage. Are you? Posted by john at 01:23 AM | Comments (116) | TrackBack (4) July 15, 2004 Wonder Twin Powers Activate Folks who knew me when I was younger -- a lot younger -- have told me that Athena is the spitting image of me when I was her age. While I think there is of course family resemblance, I remained neutral on the matter, since I don't particularly remember what I looked like at that age, and didn't have any pictures from when I was five. That is, until today, when my Aunt Donna sent along a packet of childhood pictures: You be the judge: Natural family similarities or uncanny clone-like closeness? (That's Athena on the right, in case you needed help with that.) One does hope that at a certain time -- say around puberty -- Athena starts looking quite a bit different than I did at the same age. We'll just have to see. Update: 5:37 -- Is it just me, or does my 5-year-old forehead seem unnaturally large? I mean, it doesn't seem that large now, even factoring in the balding. Maybe my brain has shrunk. Posted by john at 12:50 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0) July 13, 2004 Shadows and Clouds Sunset this evening, and we were treated to a very odd shadow on the clouds, which you can see here. I have no idea what caused it, although I suspect it was another cloud in front of this one (but out of sight from me) blocking the path of the light onto the cloud. Whatever is causing it, it looks very cool, and once again I am reminded that Ohio is indeed fine sunset country. Posted by john at 10:07 PM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0) Election Notes I've spent the last day or two trying to write something about the election, but every time I do, it's as if someone sticks an industrial-sized plastic jug of mayonnaise over my head and then beats on the jug with a rubber mallet: I get a sickly, suffocating, pain-inducing feeling and a bad, eggy taste in my mouth. I'm old enough not to want to rush through time, but if someone opened a door that could zap me from today to Election Day without having to suffer through the intervening three and a half months, verily, I say unto you, I would skip through with a merry grin. I would be three and a half months closer to death, but the quality of my remaining life will have been dramatically improved. Alas, I cannot. I must suffer through the next few months like anyone else. But look, people, if we have to slog through the summer and fall together, we at can least dispense with the bullshit and admit certain things about the candidates. It would make the next several weeks marginally more pleasant or at the very least, more honest. Really, let's just heave these things out on the table. George Bush: Incompetent like an armless juggler. If re-elected, will go down as the worst president in 100 years, if only because Warren Harding had the decency to die in his first term. Invaded Iraq because of some freaky Oedipal thing that would be better left undiscussed had it not caused 800+ Americans to die; doesn't have the balls to admit it. Hates science; hates facts; hates the Constitution. Big believer of the idea that saying something makes it so ("We're safer today"); vindictive to those who beg to differ. Believes being a "good person" makes up for bad policy; forgets that in being a good person, deeds count more than words. Wholly-owned subsidiary of people who believe Jesus lovingly hands every dead homosexual a charcoal briquette before pulling the trap-door lever that sends them to Hell. Fails the Reagan "are you better off now" sniff test spectacularly; as a matter of policy, he's like a dead skunk in an un-air-conditioned double-wide. Electoral base consists of people too stupid to grasp how incompetent he is, too scared Osama might be under the bed to worry about silly little things like the Amendments 4 through 8 inclusive, too jingoistic to parse the difference between the flag and what it represents, or so cynically partisan that they'd vote for a capuchin monkey as long as it were a Republican capuchin monkey. John Kerry: There is not a single person in the United States who is going to vote for John Kerry. They are all voting against George Bush. No one likes John Kerry; no one cares about John Kerry. John Kerry's presidential platform could call for compulsory man-dog sodomy and the nuclear annihilation of Canada and there is not one "not voting for Bush" voter who would blink, since in their opinion anything is better than Bush, although surely dogs and Canadians may wish to disagree. Any representations by the Kerry camp that his candidacy is anything but a marginal alternative to Dubya should be met with a polite smile and a deft change of the subject matter to sports or Spiderman 2. The fact that John Kerry is opposed to verifiably the worst president in eight decades and is still neck-in-neck in the polls at this point is absolutely shameful, and opens up the argument of who is more incompetent: An incompetent president or the man who loses an election to him. On the other hand, there's a name for presidents elected primarily because they're not the sitting president: One-termer. Also, note to Kerry: Don't eat or drink anything Edwards hands to you. Give them to Teresa to taste first. Ralph Nader: Pathetic attention-starved right-wing tool. Nader voters: Please see previous sentence. Undecided Voters: Oh, please. Like you need any more time. You're dragging it out for the rest of us. This election cycle is bad enough without the pandering and petting you people apparently feel you have to have. Get the pole out of your ass, already. The rest of us want to go home. There. I think that covers it. Posted by john at 12:08 PM | Comments (80) | TrackBack (2) July 11, 2004 Copyedit Pictured: The manuscript to Old Man's War (the first time, incidentally, that I've ever seen the whole thing in hard copy form), onto which the copy editor assigned by Tor has made (I'm presuming the sex here) her copy edits, which I've either accepted or rejected, the latter being noted by me scribbling "STET" in green pencil where her changes were made. I've heard tale of truly dreadful copy edits, but I'm reasonably pleased to say this copy edit didn't seem at all dreadful. The biggest issue seems to be a difference in philosophy regarding commas in a series: When confronted with a series in a sentence ("Cheese, eggs, bread and milk") does one add a comma before the word and? I say no; my copy editor believed otherwise. I've STETed all those additional commas out of existence; other than that, however, the copy edit caught several rather embarrassing grammar and spelling errors and brought up a few questions which needed to be addressed for clarity's sake. In all, the copy edit makes me look better as an author, and I'm happy for it. The comma thing does make me aware how much I use punctuation in general and commas specifically for intonation in my writing. Commas are grammatically used today primarily for reading clarity, to separate phrases and clauses from each other in a sentence, to make them all easier to read and comprehend; other marks (like that semi-colon just now, not to mention these parentheses) do much the same thing. But way back, when most words were spoken, not written, commas, semicolons and the like were guides for the speaker to tell him when and how to make pauses in speaking. Small pauses were commas, larger ones were semicolons and colon; and periods of course were the longest pause of all. They still function that way, even mentally (do you or do you not take a quick mental pause when you see a period?), but it's not really the main thrust of punctuation anymore. Even so, as a writer I find that I'm pretty sensitive to where the commas go in writing, and how they affect the flow of the sentence as it rolls through my brain. More than that, I think how I use my punctuation is part of my writing voice. I am most aware of it when I'm writing dialogue -- change the position of a comma and you can change the emphasis and meaning of what someone is saying -- but I'm also aware of it in other places. Good punctuation use (particularly commas) can make written words feel conversational; bad punctuation use -- even if it's grammatically "correct" -- can make written words hard to read. I don't want to get precious about it, since there's a lot that goes in to making writing readable, and it's not as if I fret over every single comma. It's just I sometimes think the rhythmic nature of punctuation can get overlooked in written language. I've also noticed, interestingly, that Americans use more punctuation writing than the British. Read a UK newspaper article in which someone is quoted, and the quote often seems to read like a run-on sentence due to a distinct lack of commas: "'I went to see if he needed help but he didn't so then I left' said Clive Jones of South London" where the US version of the same quote would have at least three commas in there. It could be British reading comprehension is better than in the US -- they don't need no stinking commas to show them where the clauses are! -- but I do have to say that when I read news from a British Web site, I often feel like I need to take a breath at the end of a sentence. Canadian print that I've seen reads much more like US print; Australian print, on the other hand, seems to follow the UK model. So maybe it's a North American English-speaking thing. In any event, one more pre-publication step done; Old Man's War is that much closer to print. July 22, 2004 The Writing Flight Deck One of the contributors to a recent rather long comment thread asked me if the Whatever, and keeping track of the subsequent comment threads, is taking away from my book writing. Well, no. Playing Unreal Tournament 2004 instead of writing is taking away from my book writing. The Whatever doesn't take time away because any time it threatens to, I just stop writing it. It's that whole "if you miss a deadline you don't get paid" thing. Others have asked me how the paid writing is going. Short answer: Good, but hectic. The Book of the Dumb 2 has come to crunch time, as I've noted before; I need to have the full manuscript in on 8/2, not just for their deadline but also for my own, as that's the date I start working on The Rough Guide to Science Fiction Film. The writing process on BotD 2 has up to this point been pretty free-form -- I've basically written about whatever amusing examples of stupidity I'm found particularly fun, but now things get a little more precise: My editor on BotD 2 has taken all the material I've written so far, chopped it up into chapters and let me know where I need to fill in gaps. For example, I've already done quite enough pieces on people doing stupid things under the influence of drugs, but I need to do at least five more bits on people in the sports world doing stupid things. All told, between now and 8/2 I need to write roughly 70 additional pieces and/or 30,000 additional words. It sounds like a lot because it is. The good news here is that the format of the book makes writing this stuff very easy; it's not like, say, having to write 30,000 words in a novel off the top of your head in two weeks. I'll be busy (which is why you may not see much of me around here in the next couple of weeks), but it's doable. After BotD 2 is turned in on 8/2 I turn immediately to the RGtSFF, which is on a fairly tight schedule: I need to have a chapter in to the editors within a couple of weeks and the whole manuscript needs to be in by the end of November. The good news here, of course, is that most of the "research" has already been done because I'm a big fat science fiction geek, and also a film/DVD critic. Be that as it may, I got myself a Netflix subscription (it's tax deductible!), and expect to be doing a whole lot of "research" in front of my TV in the next few months. Whee! As I'm writing RGtSSF, I will also be "gestating" the sequel to Old Man's War, which as I think I've noted is tentatively titled The Ghost Brigades. By "gestate" I mean "thinking about it" -- basically where other writers outline I do a whole lot of pondering while standing motionless in the shower (oh, stop it, you juveniles). Ideally, I'd like to start writing Ghost Brigades at the beginning of the new year, although it's possible (depending on the state of my gestating and other factors which I can hint at -- hint, hint -- but say nothing about) I might start it a little bit later. Regardless, it's on my slate for early 2005. What else is on the writing slate? Well, it's likely I may contribute to some more Uncle John books, and then I have my writing gigs with Official PlayStation Magazine and the Dayton Daily News. My AOL contract is up for renewal soon, although nothing's been solidified there, so we'll have to see what happens one way or another (it's always been meant as a short-term gig, so if they renew I count myself lucky -- I have fun with it). I owe each of my agents book proposals for projects that we can hopefully slot in for the second half of 2005; for my non-fiction agent I figure I will finally give him that proposal for a book on writing (which I've been threatening to do for a couple of years now), and on the fiction front we'll have a slate of SF ideas but also a couple of non-SF ideas as well. We'll see if anyone nibbles. So, in short, that's the stuff I know I'll be up to for, oh, the next year. Note that this doesn't count all the stuff I don't have set in the schedule but would like to do -- more magazine and newspaper articles, for example, and also maybe a few science fiction short stories and things like that. And, of course, it doesn't mention the Whatever at all. Don't worry. I'll be here. Provided I don't waste all my time on Unreal Tournament 2004. Posted by john at 05:02 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0) July 20, 2004 I, Hollywood Over on his journal, science fiction writer Bill Shunn has got himself worked up on principle over the I, Robot movie, which is based on the Issac Asimov book of the same name roughly in the way a store-brand grape soda is based on an actual grape. Shunn is personally boycotting the film and thinks you should too, although with I, Robot pulling down a $52 million opening weekend, his boycott will have to play as a moral victory rather than an economic one. I respect Shunn's position (and like him as a writer, which is always nice too), but am not the principled purist he is. I went and saw the film on Friday, and I had quite a bit of fun with it; it was put together well (which means it moved quickly enough not to let one dwell on plot holes), it looked great, and it had just enough pathos in the form of the self-aware robot to be a bit smarter than the average loud summer film. In terms of Will Smith summer SF films, it was not as good as Men in Black, but better than MIB II, Independence Day and (shudder) Wild Wild West. Among director Alex Proyas' work, it's the least distinguished that I've seen (I haven't seen his Garage Days), but given the film is a hit, he's now got a chance to make more quirky films to re-establish his cred with the goth geeks. Overall, I give the film a "B-." However, as a longtime professional observer of the film industry, I also went into the theater unburdened the illusion that the film would have anything at all to do with Issac Asimov's robot stories. This is a Hollywood motion picture, after all; nothing is sacred, least of all original texts, and least of all this particular case, since to my understanding the project initially started as an unrelated science fiction story about robots, onto which the I, Robot brand name was grafted as the rights to the property became available. In other words, this was a vaguely cynical exercise on the part of the filmmakers, at least as regards Asimov's work. And, of course, this is SOP for Hollywood. Allow me to put on my pontificating hat here and tell you an obvious truth: Hollywood doesn't care about source material. When a major movie studio buys a novel (or in this case, a collection of stories) to adapt into a film, it stops being material of a fixed nature; it becomes suddenly fluid, and you'll find vast chunks of the book sliding out, getting rearranged or simply being ignored for the expediencies of the filmmakers and the studio. Let me make it even more clear: It is a rare book that makes it through the film adaptation process without great violence being done to it. And this is not always a bad thing. I think some of the most successful literary-to-film transfers have been ones in which Hollywood does what Hollywood does -- substantially guts and reworks the source material to adapt it to the needs of the filmmakers. The obvious example here is Blade Runner, which is of course a mightily reworked version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick. It's entirely possible a filmed version that is more faithful to the original novel could have been made; on the other hand, Blade Runner is excellent. It's a fair trade. (This is not to suggest I, Robot, the film, is on par with Blade Runner. It's not; as divergent as Blade Runner is from Electric Sheep, it shares the book's primary narrative themes, whereas mostly what I, Robot shares with Asimov's work is robots, and the use of the Three Laws of Robotics as a plot device. But it is to say that in theory, and sometimes in practice, Hollywood's habit of gutting source material and reworking it is not inherently bad.) Conversely, movies which follow their books to a greater or lesser degree (changing chunks here and there but still showing the recognizable plot lines of their literary progenitors) are not necessarily doing the books any favors: Hollywood appropriation of literary SF in this way often ends pretty badly, and the video stores are littered with the wreckage to prove it: Dune. The Puppet Masters. Starship Troopers, which I must confess I enjoy personally but which I know Heinlein fans throw their hands up in horror over (Poor Heinlein has yet to have a good film made from his work). And let's not forget Bicentennial Man, as long as we're on the subject of Asimov. There are books which do make the transfer substantially unmolested -- I think the adaptation of Carl Sagan's Contact is a good example -- but they are rarer than not. I readily grant that it's very likely a movie version that was more faithful to Asimov's ideas could have been made (Shunn directs folks to an unproduced screenplay, written by Harlan Ellison and Asimov himself), and possibly should be made. But it wasn't and hasn't, for whatever reasons. C'est la Hollywood. I'm not necessarily going to take it out on this version because of it, especially if this version has the imprimatur of the Asimov estate. And in any event, I, Robot the book remains in its unmolested state, and as of this writing is #40 on the Amazon.com sales list, a height I doubt it, now over a half-century old, would have achieved without Hollywood's unsubtle violations. If a new generation of readers use this movie as an entry point to access Asimov the writer and other science fiction writers, well, speaking as a science fiction writer, I can live with that. Posted by john at 01:11 AM | Comments (55) | TrackBack (0) July 16, 2004 Whoops Note to self: From this point forward, remember that it's the 1/4" attachment you use on your hair clippers, not the 1/8" attachment. Alas, by the time I realized I was using the wrong attachment I had already buzzed off a big fat swatch of hair; there was nothing to do but finish it up. I don't think it looks bad, it's just, you know, really really short. On the more procedural tip: I'm coming down to the last two weeks before the deadline for Book of the Dumb 2, so it's reasonably likely that through the end of July I'll be here every couple of days (or every three days, or whatever) instead of every day. I know that I always say crap like that and then I update, like, seven times in a 24-hour-period, but you know. This is me covering my ass just in case I actually do stay away for several days at a stretch. Daily updates at By The Way will of course continue, although non-AOL Journalers who visit should be aware that a fair number of the entries there will concern the upcoming one anniversary of the existence of AOL-J; the members there have taken it upon themselves to whomp up a bunch of celebratory activities, and as the official watering hole, I'm keeping up with all the events (and lending a hand from time to time). I think it's very cool, actually. We hoped AOL members would develop a community, and boy, did they ever. Rock on, AOL-J peeps. Fly your flag! Anyway, these anniversary celebration entries may be of limited interest to you folks who are not AOL Journal members, although of course I encourage you to join in on the fun anyway. Just tell them you're with me, and don't wreck the joint. I will also be writing about stuff other than AOL-J's anniversary, mind you, so By The Way will still be worth the visit. Anyway, to recap: Hair very short, possible sporadic Whateveration through 7/31, AOL-J anniversary stuff on BTW. Now you're entirely up on my life at this moment in time. Aren't you thrilled. Posted by john at 07:44 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0) In Defense of Marriage E-mail from various people asking me what I think about the anti-gay marriage amendment being batted back in the Senate: Well, obviously, I'm very pleased about it. Any day a bunch of politically opportunist homophobes get stuffed back into their holes -- and on a procedural note, meaning they didn't even get the showboating vote they wanted for their base -- is a good day indeed. My understanding is that now they'll try to get the amendment passed in the House, although from a practical point of view I'm not entirely sure what the point of that is, since if the Senate's already killed it, it doesn't matter what the House does with it. This is more of a "stand and be counted" thing. Which is fine with me; I prefer to have my intolerant twits well-marked, and a House vote will certainly do that. And of course, I hear tell that the Senate will take up the amendment again, one day, in the future, presumably when the US voters elect 67 senators who hate those girly men and butchy gals enough to permanently relegate them to second-class status and/or think so little of the US Constitution that they're ready to amend it to take away people's rights. Let's just say I'm not exactly staying up nights with worry. Be that as it may, I will tell you the one thing that really gets me about the homophobes pushing the anti-gay marriage amendment and other such nonsense: They act as if there isn't already same-sex marriage in the US. Well, there is: To date, thousands of men and women have legally married members of the same sex, and every day more same-sex couples are added to that number. Theoretically, anyone in the US could marry someone of the same sex, so long as they were willing to take up residence in Massachusetts. Heck, you don't even have to be gay to marry someone of the same sex, which I think is a suitable slap-in-the-face point of fact for all those dim-bulb morality hair-splitters who proffered the absolutely insipid "Gays and lesbians can get married, just to people of the opposite sex" argument. Call me a stickler for details here, but so far I've heard nothing about what happens to all the thousands of legally married same-sex couples out there, should an anti-gay marriage amendment pick up steam and be in real danger of being added to the Constitution. Are these people's marriages voided, and expunged from the records? Or are the current marriages allowed to exist, and grandfathered in? Either way, it looks horrible for the people trying to pass the such an amendment. In the former case, you're asking people to willingly destroy other people's perfectly legal marriages, and in the latter case you are creating an obvious contradiction, in that if same-sex marriage is such a terrible threat and clear and present danger to the state of matrimony, how can any be allowed to exist? One exposes those who vote for the amendment as cruel; the other exposes them as hypocrites. And this is why it's utterly essential for people who support an anti-gay marriage amendment to pretend same-sex marriage hasn't happened -- that it's still something that can be discussed on theoretical grounds. Because as soon as you start making it clear to people that what you're asking them to do is tear apart marriages that already exist -- thousands of marriages -- I expect you're going to hit a huge wall of resistance. And why? Oh, well, here's the irony: Because people respect marriage. They respect the commitment it represents. They respect what wanting to be married says about the people in the couple. And, not at all trivially, they understand that when you say a legally married couple can be ripped apart by an act of government, then any legally married couple can be. At this point in time, there is no legal difference between saying that a same-sex couple can't be married, and that couples where the individuals are of differing races can't be married. None. Or individuals of differing religions, or of any other differentiating bit of trivia one would care to name. So it's pretty simple: If you actually want to defend marriage, you have defend all the legal marriages, and that includes the ones with two men in them, and the ones with two women. Otherwise you're explicitly saying that the government has the right to void any marriage of any couple, so long as two-thirds of the House, Senate and states go along. Who wants to be the first to sign up for that? I can understand why the anti-gay marriage crowd doesn't want to bring up the fact that same-sex marriages already legally exist, but I am frankly flummoxed as to why people who support same-sex marriage never seem to make much of the fact. Damn it, people, you're playing the homophobes' game, and you really need to stop it. Every time some bigoted twit gets up and vomits out the talking point about "activist judges" and the sanctity of marriage, someone needs to get up and ask him if he's really saying he's ready to break up those thousands of same-sex marriages that already exist, and if so, how that makes him any better than those "activist judges." Legally-married same-sex couples should be walking the halls of the House offices, asking those lawmakers itchin' to make a little political hay at the expense of the homos why they're in such a rush to break up a marriage. Every time someone says, as President Bush did, that "What they do in the privacy of their house, consenting adults should be able to do," we should ask what marriage has ever only been about what people do in the privacy of their own home. Every airy utterance about the value of marriage from these people should be answered with the grounded reality of a same-sex married couple affirming the value of their marriage. These marriages aren't theoretical. They're not open to debate. They exist. To be opposed to them is to be opposed to marriage. I don't know why people opposed to the anti-gay marriage amendment and other such nonsense aren't doing more to point out that very obvious fact. Fact is, there is no such thing as "same-sex marriage." There's just "marriage," in which any one adult can marry any other adult. Thousands of people are married to another person of the same sex, and their marriages are as legal as mine. More get married every day. You can like them, you can not like them. But they exist, they're legal, and to that extent they're no different than my own -- and deserving of the same respect as my own. If you're married, they're no different than yours -- and deserving of the same respect. I'm not inclined to break up a marriage. Are you? Posted by john at 01:23 AM | Comments (116) | TrackBack (4) July 15, 2004 Wonder Twin Powers Activate Folks who knew me when I was younger -- a lot younger -- have told me that Athena is the spitting image of me when I was her age. While I think there is of course family resemblance, I remained neutral on the matter, since I don't particularly remember what I looked like at that age, and didn't have any pictures from when I was five. That is, until today, when my Aunt Donna sent along a packet of childhood pictures: You be the judge: Natural family similarities or uncanny clone-like closeness? (That's Athena on the right, in case you needed help with that.) One does hope that at a certain time -- say around puberty -- Athena starts looking quite a bit different than I did at the same age. We'll just have to see. Update: 5:37 -- Is it just me, or does my 5-year-old forehead seem unnaturally large? I mean, it doesn't seem that large now, even factoring in the balding. Maybe my brain has shrunk. Posted by john at 12:50 PM | Comments (16) | TrackBack (0) July 13, 2004 Shadows and Clouds Sunset this evening, and we were treated to a very odd shadow on the clouds, which you can see here. I have no idea what caused it, although I suspect it was another cloud in front of this one (but out of sight from me) blocking the path of the light onto the cloud. Whatever is causing it, it looks very cool, and once again I am reminded that Ohio is indeed fine sunset country. Posted by john at 10:07 PM | Comments (9) | TrackBack (0) Election Notes I've spent the last day or two trying to write something about the election, but every time I do, it's as if someone sticks an industrial-sized plastic jug of mayonnaise over my head and then beats on the jug with a rubber mallet: I get a sickly, suffocating, pain-inducing feeling and a bad, eggy taste in my mouth. I'm old enough not to want to rush through time, but if someone opened a door that could zap me from today to Election Day without having to suffer through the intervening three and a half months, verily, I say unto you, I would skip through with a merry grin. I would be three and a half months closer to death, but the quality of my remaining life will have been dramatically improved. Alas, I cannot. I must suffer through the next few months like anyone else. But look, people, if we have to slog through the summer and fall together, we at can least dispense with the bullshit and admit certain things about the candidates. It would make the next several weeks marginally more pleasant or at the very least, more honest. Really, let's just heave these things out on the table. George Bush: Incompetent like an armless juggler. If re-elected, will go down as the worst president in 100 years, if only because Warren Harding had the decency to die in his first term. Invaded Iraq because of some freaky Oedipal thing that would be better left undiscussed had it not caused 800+ Americans to die; doesn't have the balls to admit it. Hates science; hates facts; hates the Constitution. Big believer of the idea that saying something makes it so ("We're safer today"); vindictive to those who beg to differ. Believes being a "good person" makes up for bad policy; forgets that in being a good person, deeds count more than words. Wholly-owned subsidiary of people who believe Jesus lovingly hands every dead homosexual a charcoal briquette before pulling the trap-door lever that sends them to Hell. Fails the Reagan "are you better off now" sniff test spectacularly; as a matter of policy, he's like a dead skunk in an un-air-conditioned double-wide. Electoral base consists of people too stupid to grasp how incompetent he is, too scared Osama might be under the bed to worry about silly little things like the Amendments 4 through 8 inclusive, too jingoistic to parse the difference between the flag and what it represents, or so cynically partisan that they'd vote for a capuchin monkey as long as it were a Republican capuchin monkey. John Kerry: There is not a single person in the United States who is going to vote for John Kerry. They are all voting against George Bush. No one likes John Kerry; no one cares about John Kerry. John Kerry's presidential platform could call for compulsory man-dog sodomy and the nuclear annihilation of Canada and there is not one "not voting for Bush" voter who would blink, since in their opinion anything is better than Bush, although surely dogs and Canadians may wish to disagree. Any representations by the Kerry camp that his candidacy is anything but a marginal alternative to Dubya should be met with a polite smile and a deft change of the subject matter to sports or Spiderman 2. The fact that John Kerry is opposed to verifiably the worst president in eight decades and is still neck-in-neck in the polls at this point is absolutely shameful, and opens up the argument of who is more incompetent: An incompetent president or the man who loses an election to him. On the other hand, there's a name for presidents elected primarily because they're not the sitting president: One-termer. Also, note to Kerry: Don't eat or drink anything Edwards hands to you. Give them to Teresa to taste first. Ralph Nader: Pathetic attention-starved right-wing tool. Nader voters: Please see previous sentence. Undecided Voters: Oh, please. Like you need any more time. You're dragging it out for the rest of us. This election cycle is bad enough without the pandering and petting you people apparently feel you have to have. Get the pole out of your ass, already. The rest of us want to go home. There. I think that covers it. Posted by john at 12:08 PM | Comments (80) | TrackBack (2) July 11, 2004 Copyedit Pictured: The manuscript to Old Man's War (the first time, incidentally, that I've ever seen the whole thing in hard copy form), onto which the copy editor assigned by Tor has made (I'm presuming the sex here) her copy edits, which I've either accepted or rejected, the latter being noted by me scribbling "STET" in green pencil where her changes were made. I've heard tale of truly dreadful copy edits, but I'm reasonably pleased to say this copy edit didn't seem at all dreadful. The biggest issue seems to be a difference in philosophy regarding commas in a series: When confronted with a series in a sentence ("Cheese, eggs, bread and milk") does one add a comma before the word and? I say no; my copy editor believed otherwise. I've STETed all those additional commas out of existence; other than that, however, the copy edit caught several rather embarrassing grammar and spelling errors and brought up a few questions which needed to be addressed for clarity's sake. In all, the copy edit makes me look better as an author, and I'm happy for it. The comma thing does make me aware how much I use punctuation in general and commas specifically for intonation in my writing. Commas are grammatically used today primarily for reading clarity, to separate phrases and clauses from each other in a sentence, to make them all easier to read and comprehend; other marks (like that semi-colon just now, not to mention these parentheses) do much the same thing. But way back, when most words were spoken, not written, commas, semicolons and the like were guides for the speaker to tell him when and how to make pauses in speaking. Small pauses were commas, larger ones were semicolons and colon; and periods of course were the longest pause of all. They still function that way, even mentally (do you or do you not take a quick mental pause when you see a period?), but it's not really the main thrust of punctuation anymore. Even so, as a writer I find that I'm pretty sensitive to where the commas go in writing, and how they affect the flow of the sentence as it rolls through my brain. More than that, I think how I use my punctuation is part of my writing voice. I am most aware of it when I'm writing dialogue -- change the position of a comma and you can change the emphasis and meaning of what someone is saying -- but I'm also aware of it in other places. Good punctuation use (particularly commas) can make written words feel conversational; bad punctuation use -- even if it's grammatically "correct" -- can make written words hard to read. I don't want to get precious about it, since there's a lot that goes in to making writing readable, and it's not as if I fret over every single comma. It's just I sometimes think the rhythmic nature of punctuation can get overlooked in written language. I've also noticed, interestingly, that Americans use more punctuation writing than the British. Read a UK newspaper article in which someone is quoted, and the quote often seems to read like a run-on sentence due to a distinct lack of commas: "'I went to see if he needed help but he didn't so then I left' said Clive Jones of South London" where the US version of the same quote would have at least three commas in there. It could be British reading comprehension is better than in the US -- they don't need no stinking commas to show them where the clauses are! -- but I do have to say that when I read news from a British Web site, I often feel like I need to take a breath at the end of a sentence. Canadian print that I've seen reads much more like US print; Australian print, on the other hand, seems to follow the UK model. So maybe it's a North American English-speaking thing. In any event, one more pre-publication step done; Old Man's War is that much closer to print. July 22, 2004 The Writing Flight Deck One of the contributors to a recent rather long comment thread asked me if the Whatever, and keeping track of the subsequent comment threads, is taking away from my book writing. Well, no. Playing Unreal Tournament 2004 instead of writing is taking away from my book writing. The Whatever doesn't take time away because any time it threatens to, I just stop writing it. It's that whole "if you miss a deadline you don't get paid" thing. Others have asked me how the paid writing is going. Short answer: Good, but hectic. The Book of the Dumb 2 has come to crunch time, as I've noted before; I need to have the full manuscript in on 8/2, not just for their deadline but also for my own, as that's the date I start working on The Rough Guide to Science Fiction Film. The writing process on BotD 2 has up to this point been pretty free-form -- I've basically written about whatever amusing examples of stupidity I'm found particularly fun, but now things get a little more precise: My editor on BotD 2 has taken all the material I've written so far, chopped it up into chapters and let me know where I need to fill in gaps. For example, I've already done quite enough pieces on people doing stupid things under the influence of drugs, but I need to do at least five more bits on people in the sports world doing stupid things. All told, between now and 8/2 I need to write roughly 70 additional pieces and/or 30,000 additional words. It sounds like a lot because it is. The good news here is that the format of the book makes writing this stuff very easy; it's not like, say, having to write 30,000 words in a novel off the top of your head in two weeks. I'll be busy (which is why you may not see much of me around here in the next couple of weeks), but it's doable. After BotD 2 is turned in on 8/2 I turn immediately to the RGtSFF, which is on a fairly tight schedule: I need to have a chapter in to the editors within a couple of weeks and the whole manuscript needs to be in by the end of November. The good news here, of course, is that most of the "research" has already been done because I'm a big fat science fiction geek, and also a film/DVD critic. Be that as it may, I got myself a Netflix subscription (it's tax deductible!), and expect to be doing a whole lot of "research" in front of my TV in the next few months. Whee! As I'm writing RGtSSF, I will also be "gestating" the sequel to Old Man's War, which as I think I've noted is tentatively titled The Ghost Brigades. By "gestate" I mean "thinking about it" -- basically where other writers outline I do a whole lot of pondering while standing motionless in the shower (oh, stop it, you juveniles). Ideally, I'd like to start writing Ghost Brigades at the beginning of the new year, although it's possible (depending on the state of my gestating and other factors which I can hint at -- hint, hint -- but say nothing about) I might start it a little bit later. Regardless, it's on my slate for early 2005. What else is on the writing slate? Well, it's likely I may contribute to some more Uncle John books, and then I have my writing gigs with Official PlayStation Magazine and the Dayton Daily News. My AOL contract is up for renewal soon, although nothing's been solidified there, so we'll have to see what happens one way or another (it's always been meant as a short-term gig, so if they renew I count myself lucky -- I have fun with it). I owe each of my agents book proposals for projects that we can hopefully slot in for the second half of 2005; for my non-fiction agent I figure I will finally give him that proposal for a book on writing (which I've been threatening to do for a couple of years now), and on the fiction front we'll have a slate of SF ideas but also a couple of non-SF ideas as well. We'll see if anyone nibbles. So, in short, that's the stuff I know I'll be up to for, oh, the next year. Note that this doesn't count all the stuff I don't have set in the schedule but would like to do -- more magazine and newspaper articles, for example, and also maybe a few science fiction short stories and things like that. And, of course, it doesn't mention the Whatever at all. Don't worry. I'll be here. Provided I don't waste all my time on Unreal Tournament 2004. Posted by john at 05:02 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0) July 20, 2004 I, Hollywood Over on his journal, science fiction writer Bill Shunn has got himself worked up on principle over the I, Robot movie, which is based on the Issac Asimov book of the same name roughly in the way a store-brand grape soda is based on an actual grape. Shunn is personally boycotting the film and thinks you should too, although with I, Robot pulling down a $52 million opening weekend, his boycott will have to play as a moral victory rather than an economic one. I respect Shunn's position (and like him as a writer, which is always nice too), but am not the principled purist he is. I went and saw the film on Friday, and I had quite a bit of fun with it; it was put together well (which means it moved quickly enough not to let one dwell on plot holes), it looked great, and it had just enough pathos in the form of the self-aware robot to be a bit smarter than the average loud summer film. In terms of Will Smith summer SF films, it was not as good as Men in Black, but better than MIB II, Independence Day and (shudder) Wild Wild West. Among director Alex Proyas' work, it's the least distinguished that I've seen (I haven't seen his Garage Days), but given the film is a hit, he's now got a chance to make more quirky films to re-establish his cred with the goth geeks. Overall, I give the film a "B-." However, as a longtime professional observer of the film industry, I also went into the theater unburdened the illusion that the film would have anything at all to do with Issac Asimov's robot stories. This is a Hollywood motion picture, after all; nothing is sacred, least of all original texts, and least of all this particular case, since to my understanding the project initially started as an unrelated science fiction story about robots, onto which the I, Robot brand name was grafted as the rights to the property became available. In other words, this was a vaguely cynical exercise on the part of the filmmakers, at least as regards Asimov's work. And, of course, this is SOP for Hollywood. Allow me to put on my pontificating hat here and tell you an obvious truth: Hollywood doesn't care about source material. When a major movie studio buys a novel (or in this case, a collection of stories) to adapt into a film, it stops being material of a fixed nature; it becomes suddenly fluid, and you'll find vast chunks of the book sliding out, getting rearranged or simply being ignored for the expediencies of the filmmakers and the studio. Let me make it even more clear: It is a rare book that makes it through the film adaptation process without great violence being done to it. And this is not always a bad thing. I think some of the most successful literary-to-film transfers have been ones in which Hollywood does what Hollywood does -- substantially guts and reworks the source material to adapt it to the needs of the filmmakers. The obvious example here is Blade Runner, which is of course a mightily reworked version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick. It's entirely possible a filmed version that is more faithful to the original novel could have been made; on the other hand, Blade Runner is excellent. It's a fair trade. (This is not to suggest I, Robot, the film, is on par with Blade Runner. It's not; as divergent as Blade Runner is from Electric Sheep, it shares the book's primary narrative themes, whereas mostly what I, Robot shares with Asimov's work is robots, and the use of the Three Laws of Robotics as a plot device. But it is to say that in theory, and sometimes in practice, Hollywood's habit of gutting source material and reworking it is not inherently bad.) Conversely, movies which follow their books to a greater or lesser degree (changing chunks here and there but still showing the recognizable plot lines of their literary progenitors) are not necessarily doing the books any favors: Hollywood appropriation of literary SF in this way often ends pretty badly, and the video stores are littered with the wreckage to prove it: Dune. The Puppet Masters. Starship Troopers, which I must confess I enjoy personally but which I know Heinlein fans throw their hands up in horror over (Poor Heinlein has yet to have a good film made from his work). And let's not forget Bicentennial Man, as long as we're on the subject of Asimov. There are books which do make the transfer substantially unmolested -- I think the adaptation of Carl Sagan's Contact is a good example -- but they are rarer than not. I readily grant that it's very likely a movie version that was more faithful to Asimov's ideas could have been made (Shunn directs folks to an unproduced screenplay, written by Harlan Ellison and Asimov himself), and possibly should be made. But it wasn't and hasn't, for whatever reasons. C'est la Hollywood. I'm not necessarily going to take i
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