
I to je moguće: Gradom vozila sa stablom na haubi, policiji pojasnila da ništa nije primijetila
Prije nekoliko sedmica policija u Illinoisu je primila neoubičajen poziv: građani su prijavili da žena upravlja automobilom na čijoj haubi se nalazi stablo visoko oko pet metara.

Lociranje automobila sa stablom visokim 4,5 metara vjerovatno nije bilo teško. Žena koja je upralvjala automobilom pojasnila je policiji da ne zna otkud stablo na autu kao i da tako vozi već nekoliko kilometara.

Since we are new to Facebook, we were not quite sure what to expect from our post. We have received requests to post the video from this call. Some just didn't believe it was true, so we have attached a short video of this call.The first portion of the video is in slow-motion and shows the car traveling in the opposite direction; the second portion shows the officer trying to stop the car and then as he approaches the driver. Yes, it is true and it happened! DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!

Posted by Roselle Police Department on 7. Mart 2016

Policija je ustanovila da automobilom upravlja Maryann Christy. Također, ustanovljeno je da je automobilom uprvljala u potpuno alkoholiziranom stanju.