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Čuvar zoološkog vrta uhvatio savršen selfie s gorilama koje poziraju
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Foto: Instagram
Dvije gorile snimljene su kako besprijekorno oponašaju ljude na izuzetnoj fotografiji s čuvarom parka koji ih je spasio dok su još bile mladunčad, prenosi CNN.

Fotografija, koju je snimio radnik u Nacionalnom parku Virunga u Demokratskoj Republici Kongo, brzo je postala viralna nakon što je podijeljena na Facebooku.

"Još jedan dan u kancelariji", napisao je Mathieu Shamavu u opisu svoje fotografije koja je podijeljena više od 20.000 puta na Facebooku.

Ženke gorile Ndakazi i Ndeze izgledaju potpuno prirodno ispred kamere. Jedna stoji ponosno zauzimajući moćnu pozu sa širokim razmakom stopala, dok se druga naginje naprijed kako bi se fotografirala.

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You might have recently seen caretakers Mathieu and Patrick’s amazing selfie with female orphaned gorillas Ndakazi and Ndeze inside the Senkwekwe center at Virunga National Park. We’ve received dozens of messages about the photo. YES, it’s real! Those gorilla gals are always acting cheeky so this was the perfect shot of their true personalities! Also, it’s no surprise to see these girls on their two feet either—most primates are comfortable walking upright (bipedalism) for short bursts of time. Guys, if you shared our gorilla selfie post, please share our Earth Day posts as well! Conserving Virunga’s amazing wildlife is a constant challenge for the Park and our work wouldn’t be possible without your support. Matching funds have been pledged on every donation to the Park today, up to a total of $25,000—giving us the opportunity to raise $50,000 for Virunga! Visit or click the link in our bio to get involved and keep sharing our posts! Thank you! *We want to emphasize that these gorillas are in an enclosed sanctuary for orphans to which they have lived since infancy. The caretakers at Senkwekwe take great care to not put the health of the gorillas in danger. These are exceptional circumstances in which the photo was taken. It is never permitted to approach a gorilla in the wild. #gorillaselfie #gorilla #mountaingorilla #mountaingorillaselfie #selfie #earthday #earthday2019 #virunga #virunganationalpark #congo #drcongo #rdc #drc #protecttheplanet #happyearthday #wildlife #wildlifeconservation #conservation #natureconservation

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"Te gorile su veliki glumci tako da je ovo bila savršena fotografija koja prikazuje njihove istinske ličnosti", napisali su iz Nacionalnog parka Virunga na Instagramu.

Ovaj nacionalni park, koji se proteže duž sjeveroistočnog dijela zemlje, dom je za 22 vrste primata uključujući i tri velike vrste majmuna. Procjenjuje se da na ovom mjestu obitava 1.000 planinskih gorila.