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Lena Dunham odstranila maternicu: Godinama sam trpjela bol, bilo je neizdrživo

Glumica Lena Dunham otkrila je za magazin Vogue da je u 31. godini bila na histerektomiji, operaciji odstranjivanja maternice. Dunham je objasnila zbog čega se, nakon dugogodišnje borbe s endometriozom, odlučila na taj potez.

Zvijezda TV serije "Girls" ispričala je kako je deset godina imala jake bolove, zbog čega je imala čak devet zahvata.

"Možda sam se prije osjećala bespomoćno, ali danas znam da imam izbora. Uskoro ću provjeriti ima li jajnih stanica u mojim jajnicima, a usvajanje je svakako jedna od opcija", rekla je Dunham dodajući kako se nada da će se jednog dana ostvariti kao majka.

Thank you for all the love & concern that's been pouring in since Tuesday. Although I'm much healthier than I was a year ago, complications arose from my most recent endometriosis surgery. When the healthcare of so many American women, especially our trans sisters, is at-risk- or already nonexistent- I am lucky to be in the position to seek help when I'm in pain. To those in that privileged spot- never forget that we are blessed and can pay it forward by supporting Planned Parenthood and LGBTQ clinics like Callen-Lorde with our 💰 and ⌚️. I also want to remind all the women suffering from chronic illness that we aren't weak- quite the opposite, actually. We do our jobs with skill even when we're struggling. We care for our families even when we can hardly care for ourselves. We serve major face on a red carpet when we feel like lying face down would be more appropriate. I'll always be proud of those Met Gala pics- not just because I felt beautiful, surrounded by art and magic, hugging my best friend tightly, but because they're evidence that women contain steely multitudes. Just that morning @dianafalzone sued Fox after they took her off air for disclosing her endometriosis. But they're the ones who lost when they lost her, because everyone who's anyone knows that if you can battle chronic illness there's nothing you can't take on.

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Ispričala je i kako je morala uvjeriti ljekare da je zaista sigurna u svoju odluku.

"Moja maternica je gora nego što je iko mogao i zamisliti. Ljekari su tokom operacije otkrili još niz problema, među kojima je bilo i retrogradno krvarenje", rekla je.

O svojim zdravstvenim problemima Dunham je pričala i 2016. godine kada je napravila pauzu u profesionalnoj karijeri.