
Mush - islamski FunDaMental-ista
Nedavno je u studentskom centru Access održan Fun-da-mental halal-music session, na kojem su nastupili Mush & Mushtaq.

Nekoliko dana su proveli u Sarajevu, zavolili ovaj grad kao svoj, i u njemu vidjeli vrijednosti koje žitelji šehera više ni ne primjećuju... Te vrijednosti su mnoštvo džamija, crkava, sinagoga - razbacanih bez nekog reda, ali sve uz neku nevjerovatnu harmoniju koja ovaj grad čini onim što on jeste, ili što bi trebao biti. Tokom njegovog boravka u Sarajevu, uspjeli smo obaviti kratak razgovor sa Mushom, koji je bio više nego raspoložen razgovarati o temama koje su nas interesovale...

1. Tell us more about your musical roots? Which musical styles had the biggest influence on you?

The biggest influence on me was hip hop... I got into Breakdancing in 1982 when I met the Rock Steady Crew and even today I would still class myself as a B-Boy because I still dress Hip Hop even after all these years. In addition to this I also love Qawaali, Old school Funk, Sixties Rock, Heavy metal, my favorite bands are the Doors, Black Sabbath, Nirvana and Jefferson Airplane so as you can see I like all types of music, kinda eclectic....

2. How did you start and how did your musical career develop from that time ill now?

I started because I thought Asian kids didn get enough respect in the rap scene even though we were there from the start and helped to develop it. I wanted to make a point and also to highlight racial problems Muslims faced in the UK.

3. What fun>da>mental represents in your life?

Fun-da-mental is the greatest influence of my life, Aki is a role model for all Asians in Britain he more than anybody else created Asian Underground... Without Aki there would be no Asian Dub foundation, Talvin singh or Nitin Sawney.

4. What are your feelings regarding Sarajevo? How You felt at FDM concert during the FUTURA festival? Do people in Sarajevo take you differently than others?

I love Sarajevo. Muslims in Britain have a love for Bosnians and Sarajevo that I think many Bosnians would not understand, its part pride, part guilt, and part family. The people in Bosnia understand Fun-da-mental better than anybody else in Europe. The song Rape was written for Bosnia, as was War... I think anyone else in Europe sympathise with how we feel but Bosnians will empathise...

5. Are You politically active? What do you think about relation of popular music and politics? Is it possible to change some political attitudes through popular music?

I am very politically active, I involve myself as much as possible I know one day I will die and Allah (swt) will ask me what I did to help the poor and oppressed, where was I when Bosnia, Chechnya, Palestine, Rwanda happened.. Why didn I use my body, wealth and mind to fight for justice... I follow the philosophy of Al Islaam especially the part in surah, An-Nisaa (4:75). "And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, ill­treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help."

This tells Muslims to fight injustice everywhere whether for Muslims or non Muslims...

6. How does Islam religion fits to popular musical culture? Is it incompatible?

Islam is completely compatible, Islamic society has a long history of Music... although many modern day salafi Muslims said Music is Haram. This ideology is not reflected in historical evidence or even quranic evidence. Mos def, Talib Kweli, Aki Nawaz, Jimmy Cliff, Everlast, Q Tip are all popular musicians who are Muslims although not everything they do is Islamically correct, they do hold certain values. Islam is the solution for all the worlds ills...

7. Where is the position of Asian community and its influences to popular music in Britain today?

Right now the Asian community is number one in influencing popular culture in the UK but it is also doomed to divide. In their aim to be accepted, Hindus and Sikhs have tried hard to distance themselves from Muslims after September 11, which is also what many radical Muslims want...but... Strength is in unity however... Muslims are even discriminated against in the Asian music scene!

8. What are Your plans for future musical career- do You have any other projects besides FDM?

Right now Im just about to launch a rap/rock outfit called Twiceborne which is based around Islamic principles.... And I am just working on a Movie about Chechnya!
